Sven Giegold

First success against Bayer Monsanto Deal: Commission assures thorough assessment

Dear colleagues,


In the light of the planned acquisition of Monsanto by Bayer, already more than 36,000 EU citizens demand of the European Commission that: “The instruments of European merger control must be applied fully, and thoroughly.” The European Commissioner for Competition, Margrethe Vestager has now responded to our letter to her and promised a thorough assessment. Together with Green Members of the European Parliament from Germany, France, Spain, and friends from Italy and Poland we have started a petition aimed at the European Commission.

The merger of Monsanto and Bayer would lead to an unbearable concentration of big corporations on the highly sensible market of seeds. A few multinationals could dictate what ends up on our plates. Therefore, we demand for the tough application of European law, to preserve the diversity of our choices.

“It is our aim to assure that the European consumers have access to high quality and affordable food” is Vestager’s response to us. Furthermore, she says: “In our investigations, we will properly take into account the concerns raised by you about the impact of the merger on prices, the variety of available seed products as well as on research and innovation.”

This is as far as the Commissioner for Competition can go at this stage, being bound in her role of strict neutrality and keeping in mind that her future decision may be challenged in courts. The response also demonstrates: We need a stronger Europe in the interest of her citizens and in order to counter the growing economic power of some large companies.

Public pressure is needed more than ever. With your support it is possible to make the Commission and national competition authorities look as close as possible into the legal implications of this deal. Therefore, we encourage you to distribute the email or the link for the petition on Facebook and Twitter, amongst your friends and family:

With green European greetings

Sven Giegold


Response letter of Commissioner Vestager (in German only):

Petition against Bayer-Monsanto deal:



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